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Welcome to the HistoGraph collaboration experiment!

Are you a digital humanities specialist interested in 20th century European history- and eager to share your knowledge and try new tools that support online collaboration?

Become part of our experiment exploring new ways of collaboration in the digital humanities! Try out the HistoGraph app, a new professional tool to collaborate with other scholars, and tell us what you think about it!

Try HistoGraph!Give Feedback

How it works:

Join our active community of digital humanities scholars and try HistoGraph! View the open Research Inquiries. These are questions that have been asked by users of HistoGraph to collaboratively identify missing information about the photographs from the included collections. Browse through them to see if you can contribute with your own knowledge.

Explore the collections that are currently available in the application. Are the photographs relevant to your own research? If there is information missing that you are interested in, post a research inquiry to benefit from the knowledge of your peers.

Reply to Research Inquiries

Reply to Research Inquiries

We are looking forward to your contributions!

– Lars Wieneke, CVCE

The histoGraph experiment is a collaborative research experiment carried out by EIPCM and TUD with the support of the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE). CVCE is an interdisciplinary centre of research and documentation on the European integration process, with a mission to create, disseminate and share knowledge in an innovative digital environment. The Centre is a public undertaking under the aegis of the Luxembourg Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The histoGraph app was developed as part of the CUbRIK project, a Collaborative Research Project partially funded by the European Union. If you would like to know more about CUbRIK or become part of the CUbRIK Community, please visit the project homepage or follow us through our Social Channels:


For questions and feedback, contact us at