We act as an innovation facilitator connecting cutting-edge scientific research with user-driven and market-oriented needs of user associations and industry. Established in 2007, we are a network institute involving partners in different European countries with headquarters in Berlin.
In projects and partnerships with companies, universities, city governments and end-user associations we develop and experiment with new forms of participatory media solutions based on real-world needs of companies, public institutions and European citizens.
What we offer
Real-world problems defy the boundaries of scientific disciplines. They are “wicked” because they are hard to structure and understand within familiar schemes. Thanks to our expertise in trans-disciplinary collaboration we can make knowledge from different disciplines work for our clients. And we do so at cost-coverage fees of a not-for-profit organization. In return, we ask that we may make the new knowledge acquired in the course of our consultancy available to the public through scientific publications in a distilled form (with due diligence to the confidentiality needs of our client).
Contact us for more information on what we can do for you. We also welcome inquiries of partners interested in establishing joint research labs in specific topics of their strategic interest.
Who we are

University of Dortmund
University of Duisburg-Essen
Philipps University Marburg